Kopalvani Shravan Badhit Awashiya Vidyalaya
(ISO 9001:2015 Certified)

School and College

Kopalvani Shravan Badhit Awashiya Vidyalaya is an institution specializing in catering to the educational needs of children with hearing impairments. It offers tailored support and education to students with hearing disabilities, ensuring a conducive learning environment.
Enrolling a child involves direct contact with the school or visiting their website to understand the application process and submission requirements. The school serves a diverse range of age groups, spanning from preschool to high school, though specific age ranges may differ between schools.
Various communication methods are employed within these institutions, including sign language, speech therapy, lip-reading, and the use of assistive technologies like hearing aids and cochlear implants. Teachers in these specialized schools are trained extensively in employing specialized teaching techniques and are proficient in sign language.
The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to accommodate the unique learning needs of hearing-impaired students, integrating visual aids and modified teaching materials.


Apart from academics, Kopalvani Shravan Badhit Awashiya Vidyalayafosters holistic development by offering extracurricular activities encompassing sports, arts, and cultural programs.
Support services available for students include speech therapy, counseling, audiology services, and access to assistive technology like FM systems or captioning.

Some financial aid options, such as scholarships, might be available for eligible students, and parents are encouraged to engage actively in their child's education by participating in meetings, workshops, and maintaining regular communication with teachers.

Transportation services may be provided or assisted for students, depending on the school. In terms of inclusion, policies vary, but some schools encourage the integration of hearing-impaired students into regular classrooms for better integration.

Additionally, transition planning and guidance are typically offered to students transitioning to higher education or entering the workforce.

For further information, contacting the school directly via the provided phone numbers or email addresses, usually available on the school's official documents or website, is recommended, as specific details might differ between institutions.

* Our new upcomming building * Your small effort makes large difference  Donate
School and College

A new school stands tall, Its facade gleaming, a beacon for all. A modern marvel, architecture divine, Where learning and growth effortlessly entwine.
Halls echo with laughter, bright and wide, Facilities aplenty, a source of school pride. From labs to fields, every need it fulfills, A sanctuary for minds, where potential instills.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

We Are Certified By Recognised Organisation

Global Certification Services for Child Welfare Organizations typically refer to accreditation or certification programs designed to assess and ensure that these organizations adhere to specific standards, guidelines, and best practices in promoting child welfare. These certifications are crucial in upholding the rights and safety of children worldwide.


Full Care Of Your Child

Full care of your special child embodies our commitment to providing comprehensive support tailored to your child's unique needs. From personalized education plans to specialized therapies, we ensure a nurturing environment where every aspect of their growth and development is prioritized.


Professional Teachers

Our institution is proud to boast a team of professional teachers dedicated to empowering deaf and mute children. With specialized training and a deep understanding of communication methods, they create an inclusive and supportive learning environment. These educators employ innovative techniques, including sign language and visual aids, fostering academic excellence and personal growth.

Kopalvani Shravan Badhit Awashiya Vidyalaya

